Sai Mah Plast Factory

Sai Mah Plast Fars Company
has been established for more than 5 years and began its production activity in the field of tanks and polyethylene parts in Shiraz's large industrial town.
The company In order to research the goals, use the best and most prominent foreign and external machinery in the world to meet the quality of the products and to pay attention to customer needs and to use the desires of steel molds purchased from advanced countries. Work to realize the ideal quality and most importantly, the hygiene of the tanks for the storage of drinking water and liquid food has not been used during the production process that guarantees health and free of contamination of products. The superiority of the Month Plast is Fars.
Sai Plast Fars Plast is proud to deliver its products to the consumer with a good quality and reasonable price in the shortest possible time.
The quality of our products is your trust.

Management: Believer